Friday, August 10, 2012

What I learned from my baby

What I learned from my baby. - She is really sensitive emotionally but physically as tough as me (or maybe tougher.) When she falls down she cries because she is so hurt that her mother let her fall not because the fall itself hurt. - She can be patient but if she’s tired all patience is gone. - She doesn’t understand why I leave her and disappear throughout the day (when I have to go to the bathroom). This makes her feel abandoned and so she cries terribly so I’ll change my mind and come back. - She doesn’t understand why I can’t hold her while driving. - I can do a lot of things with only one hand. - In a pinch I can use the restroom while holding her. - I’m not as embarrassed by things like her spilling water in my lap so it looks like I wet my pants. - She would rather nap in my arms. That way she doesn’t have to fully wake up to nurse. - She doesn’t need a crib. She would rather sleep with me. She feels warm and safe by my side knowing that I’m there to protect and feed her when she needs me. - If anything is wrong with either her or me or if the day is just being stressful nursing helps. Nursing is the answer for everything.

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